Altogether Autism
Professional Development
21 August 2020
Born with Autism different way of experiencing the world
Can see the condition from 3 years
No cure
ASD Autism, Spectrum, Disorder
Takiwatanga is his or her own time and space
Criteria for diagnosis of autism
Level 1 requiring support
Level 2 requiring substantial support
Level 3 requiring very substantial support
Girls often diagnosed later as mask and copy. Average girls 13 years in New Zealand.
Focus on strengths.
Executive Functioning - enable us to plan, organise deal with change.
Also responsible for inhibition of actions and impulse control.
Autism trouble with working memory, being organised completing a task, repetitive actions. impulsive reactions, understanding fiction from fact, understanding consequences of different actions
Try to use routines, use visual support, one instruction at a time, understand the signs of stress, plan for transitions
75% of children and 50% of adults with autism experience intense anxiety
Strategies for anxiety : identify stressors, low stimulation spaces available,
voice quiet and tone calm, limit choices, sensory box , Break cards
Sensory products teach breathing use fingers smell the flower and blow out the candle
Tantrum- driven by a goal, wants to be the centre of attention, in control of behaviour, won't hurt
Meltdown - overwhelmed, loss of control, trying to escape or withdraw,
3 stages:
Build up, child trying to cope
The build up phase is often spoken about in terms of triggers,going into survival mode. Changes can be make at this stage to avoid melt down.
Meltdown strategies
protect everyone, prompt the child to their safe place
relax, reconnect, reflect, recharge re prepare
Reframe the Behaviour
Behaviour always happens for a reason
See a child differently, you see a different child - Dr Stuart Shanker
Find stressors - reduce them
Find unmet needs - meet them
Find skills deficits - teach them
Seven Senses - Proprioception, vestibular, touch, hearing , sight, taste, smell
When looking at sensor sensitivities remember to always check the physical - eye sight, sore teeth, headaches, hungry, thirsty
Can be hypo sensitive needs more or hypersensitive needs less
can experience a feeling but they don't know what it is e.Sg sensual touch, thirst, temperature, pain, itch, hunger, breathlessness
anything that is repetitive eg tapping a pen
People stim, for sensory stimulation, to reduce sensory input, a coping mechanism for stress and anxiety and a source of enjoyment
Nonverbal does not mean that I have nothing to say. It means you will need to listen to me with more than just our ears.
Strategies for communication
Make sure you have the persons attention
avoid complicated instructions
Keep you language polite, clear and factual without being patronising
Allow the person enough time to process
Supplement verbal instruction with visual information
Have important conversations in a quiet area
Profile books
Benefits of Visual Support
First then
( first step then next step, have in visual picture)
Social Stories
Visual Schedules
Video self modelling
Next Steps
Make a video of what happens in the library. Post it on the Library Opac so teachers can show their autistic children before they come to the library.
Visual cues what happens in the library with a finish box. Will reinforce the video for the children.
Have a safe place in the library for children to withdraw to if they need to.